27 September 2014


Biasakan Untuk Membuat BACKUPan Dulu & Do With Your Own Risk


1. Supremacy Script V
Fitur :
-Cleaned up
-MUCH better Ram usage
-Cache Cleared at every boot
-SD speed tweak
-Logger removed
-Better browser performance
-Sysctl tweaks
-Added modified Zram script
-Better battery life
-Lag? GONE
-Faster GUI
-Loopy smoothness tweak
-Apps zipaligned at every boot
-Faster Networking
-Smoother LWP animation
-Adrenaline boost
-Kernel Tweaks
-Better gaming

Cara Memasang :

- Boot Ke TWRP
- Wipe > Dalvik/cache
- Install/Flash ZIP
- Wipe Dalvik/cache
- Reboot

Jika Anda Merasa Supremacy Scriptnya Tidak Terinstall, Coba Dengan Cara Manual :

1. Buka ZIP supremacy tweaks dengan rootex
2. Extract File Yg Bernama "System"
3. Setelah di extract (extract hanya file systemnya saja) masuk ke folder extract tadi, system > bin
4. copy script "boost" dan taruh di (yg system bukan ekstrakan) system > bin
5. Ubah Permissionnya menjadi rwxr-xr-x
6. Sekarang lanjut ke init.d, pertama masuk ke file (yg system bukan ekstrakan) etc > init.d > hapus semua script yg ada disitu
7. Masuk ke file ektrakan tadi, buka system > etc > copy semua file yg ada disitu, dan taro langsung di (system bukan ekstrakan) etc
8. Ubah permission host menjadi rw-r--r--
    Ubah permission init.d menjadi rwxrwxrwx
    Ubah permission systl.confl menjadi ---rwxr-x
9. Masuk file (yang system bukan ekstrakan) init.d, lalu centang semua script dan ganti permission nya menjadi ini rwxrwxrwx
10. TERAKHIR, masuk ke file ekstrakan tadi ke system > xbin, copy dan paste scriptnya ke file (system bukan ekstrakan ) system > xbin, lalu ubah permisionnya menjadi rwxr-xr-x


Tambahan (Adrenaline Boost) :
-Buka Terminal Emulator
-Ketik su, Enter
-Ketik boost, Enter

2. Mod PureAudio™, Pure™Graphics HD, dan PurePerformances™X

1. [MOD] ◢ PureAudio™ Engine ◣

Suara lebih jernih saat mendengarkan musik layaknya memutar Musik Walkman yang sudah terdapat ™xLoud sama Beats™ Audio


- Clear sound
- No more track noise
- Beats™ Audio by Dr.Dre
- Audio Pure™ Control not to damage your hearing
- Also compatible with the headphones that don't support audio render of 60kHz
- Where possible, arrange for the conversion of the songs (in background) below 256 kbps to 320kbps
- During playback of songs / sounds make a soft frequency scaling to reduce noise and highlight the track
- It offers more powerful and closed bass
- Efficient even with stock headphones
- Improves a lot the audio call
- Enhance the speakers for playing music without headphones in high quality

2. [DEV] ◢ Pure™Graphics HD + Rendering Version ◣

Main game HD lebih smooth

Fitur :

- Enable GPU rendernig
- Enable dithering but did not affect consumption!!
- Use the GPU for the management of the touch
- Improve video HW render
- It allows you to play ported ARMV7 games without lags problems
- Increase scores on the AnTuTu graphic rank
- In MDPI devices improves the density pixels and brightness
- Eliminates lag system with the generator of video entropy
- Liquify the UI

3. [MOD] ◢ PurePerformances™X ◣ | Zeno Edition | Scary performances on Android

Meningkatkan Performa Android Dan Melegakan RAM

Fitur :

- Android performances improved at 360°
- Radically improved management ram on android (Lags...adios!)
- Script lightweight and revised to be adapted to this engine
- Improves a lot the graphics: of course Pure Graphic™HD, Pure Dithering Plus™ and... AOSPA 3.60 system tweaks
- Scan multimedia time drastically reduced
- Network Improvements, 3G experience even in 2G modality
- All SQlite database optimized
- Enable hardware features turned off by default for a better experience on entry level devices
- Greatly increases the score AnTuTu: Try it to believe it!!
- Reduces the startup time of Android
- A version for stock rom and one for CM, to squeeze any roms!
- Allows you to play ported games without lags
- Cleans the system every 24 hours, thecache every week and the Dalvik every month (cronos easter egg)
- Automatically Zipalign on each boot (sensitive to the user)


- Drastically decreased the drainage of battery
- Check the activities that consume too much battery stop them with PureWakelocks™
- When the phone is charging reduces system services for faster charging
- The battery is calibrated on every boot
- Disable animation of the system when the battery is nearly exhausted
- Improvements in build.prop as regards the part of consumption

Graphics, Screen, Images

- Enables a non-aggressive dithering to save CPU
- When you lock the device, the engine makes sure that the GPU is turned off
- Enables deep sleepalso in the bugged rom
- Parts of bravia engine
- Of course parts of CrossBreeder (credits to dev)
- Of course parts of Adrenaline Engine (credits to dev)
- Of course PureGraphics HD, even though I already told you
- Of course V6 supercharger- Generates video entropy (like seeder)

CPU, Governors, I/O Schedulers

- Slightly improves the scaling of the frequencies (for better results you need a good kernel)
- Lightens the load on the CPU switching the workload to GPU rendering
- Enable the swap partition in Android (experimental)

Install Ketiga MOD Diatas Dengan Cara:
-Boot Ke TWRP
-Wipe > Dalvik/Cache
-Flash ZIP
-Wipe > Dalvik/Cache


Update :

3. Tweaks All In One

Fitur :
1. Andrenaline Engine
2. Geeky Engine
3. Supremacy Script
4. Velocity Tweaks
5. Blaidy Scripts
6. Loopy Smoothness
7. Net- Fork
8. Cronmod Scripts
a. Cronmod Unofficial
b. Cronmod data2sd-fixed
c. Cronmod data2ext
9. Beats Audio

Instalasi :
- Boot Ke TWRP
- Flash TweakAllInOne.zip
- Wipe Dalvik Cache
- Reboot


Extras :
- Buka Terminal Emulator
- Ketik su, Lalu Enter
- Ketik Extreme, Lalu Enter

(Untuk Mengaktifkan Entropy)
- Ketik su, Lalu Enter
- Ketik entro_on, Lalu Enter

(Untuk Melihat Entropy)
- Ketik su, Lalu Enter
- Ketik entro, Lalu Enter

(Untuk Menonaktifkan Entropy)
- Ketik su, Lalu Enter
- Ketik entro_off, Lalu Enter


Perhatian : Memasang Tweak Bisa Menyebabkan Brick, Makanya Biasakan Untuk Membuat Backup & Jangan Menimpa-Nimpa Script Yg Sudah Ada, Resiko Ditanggung Tangan Anda, So Jangan Salahkan Pembuatnya, Saya Hanya Sekedar Membagi Ilmu


Credits To : XDA-Developer
Posted By: Alwan

21 Juni 2014

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18 Juni 2014

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